
This sequel delves into the character’s transformation into an action heroine following the tragic loss of her grandmother at the hands of a multinational organization aiming to exploit her family’s ancestral land and its natural resources.

While the first part led us through the Chilean jungles and mountainous terrains, the sequel transports us to the Atacama Desert, where Sayen unjustly finds herself on the run, becoming one of the most sought-after criminals in the country.

One of the remarkable aspects of this Chilean trilogy is its initial conception as a complete story. This ensures that situations and conflicts do not feel drawn out, avoiding that sense of being shortchanged. We’re aware of the cliffhangers waiting for us, and this approach creates suspense while keeping the narrative cohesive.

Furthermore, the film is directed by Alexander Witt, known for his work in action sequences in renowned franchises like James Bond, Pirates of the Caribbean, Bourne, and Resident Evil: Apocalypse, which he also directed. His expertise is evident in various scenes, featuring motorcycle chases, hand-to-hand combat, and even a helicopter chase in the midst of the desert, showcasing the touch of the Chilean director.

Another noteworthy point is that, like Sayen, the actress Rallen Montenegro shares Mapuche heritage, making her an ideal choice for portraying this Latin American Beatrix Kiddo (from Kill Bill) who strives to combat the organization responsible for devastating local ecosystems.

It’s true that Rayen doesn’t attempt to redefine genre conventions, and it occasionally falls into familiar tropes typical of such productions. There will be villainous monologues, ruthless corporations, and thoroughly wicked antagonists.

Nonetheless, this Prime Video sequel stands out for its intelligent utilization of available resources, highlighting the Mapuche conflict and a globally relevant environmental theme while making the most of Chile’s desert landscapes as a fitting backdrop for its action sequences.


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By acinetv