The Greatest Hits 2024 movie review

Living in the past, especially when dealing with grief, can be a complex journey. But when you add time travel into the mix, it becomes a recipe for compelling storytelling. “The Greatest Hits” teeters between potential greatness and frustrating moments, ultimately delivering a solid film with hints of brilliance.

The movie revolves around Harriet (played by Lucy Boynton), who has been grappling with the sudden loss of her boyfriend Max (David Corenswet) for the past two years. To make matters more complicated, she discovers she can travel back in time whenever she hears music from their relationship. Determined to save Max in the past, Harriet isolates herself from the present, relying only on her grief counselor (Retta) and best friend (Austin Crute) for support.

However, when she meets David (Justin H. Min) at a grief group, she finds herself drawn to him despite her emotional turmoil. The film explores Harriet’s struggle to balance her budding relationship with David while grappling with memories of Max. It’s a poignant journey filled with emotional depth and maturity that resonates long after the credits roll.

Lucy Boynton delivers a standout performance, seamlessly navigating Harriet’s complex emotions and time-traveling experiences. Justin H. Min brings a charming awkwardness to his role as David, while supporting cast members, including Austin Crute and Retta, contribute effectively to the narrative.

Filmmaker Ned Benson crafts the story with a keen focus on emotions, steering clear of overly convoluted time-travel concepts. While the film occasionally stumbles with pacing and narrative bumps, its emotional core remains strong. “The Greatest Hits” offers a compelling blend of romance, drama, and high-concept storytelling that is sure to captivate audiences.

Overall, if you’re in the mood for a romantic dramedy with a unique twist, “The Greatest Hits” is definitely worth a watch. Whether in theaters or on Hulu, it’s a journey that will leave you reflecting on love, loss, and the passage of time.


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