Model House 2024 movie

Model House is a 2024 thriller film that plunges audiences into a gripping narrative of terror, suspense, and home invasion. Written and directed by Derek Pike, renowned for his expertise in directing over a hundred music videos, the film promises a potent blend of fear-inducing elements.

Produced by Collin Avery, Talia Bella, and Randy Wayne, this Thunderbird Films production boasts a stellar cast including Scout Taylor-Compton, Chris Zylka, Cory Anne Roberts, Kyra Santoro, Hailee Lautenbach, Priscilla Huggins Ortiz, Natalie Nootenboom, and Phillip Andrew Botello.

The plot unfolds as five swimsuit models embark on a photoshoot for a lucrative swimwear campaign at a remote waterfall location, a hundred miles north of Los Angeles. The client provides them shelter in a secluded house for the weekend, commonly referred to as a “model house” in the fashion industry. As the night progresses, the models meticulously document their activities, unaware of the vulnerability they’re exposing to their millions of social media followers.

However, their peaceful night takes a sinister turn when two ruthless intruders invade the house, wielding weapons. Held at gunpoint, the young women are coerced into posting a fraudulent donation link on their social media platforms, aiming to steal $1 million from their unsuspecting followers. As the gravity of their situation dawns upon them, the models realize their lives are in grave danger and must summon the courage to fight back against their assailants.


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