Don't Tell Mom the Babysitter's Dead 2024 movie review

In “Don’t Tell Mom the Babysitter’s Dead,” the titular mom jets off to Australia for a well-deserved break, leaving her five kids in the care of a notoriously dreadful babysitter. When said babysitter meets an untimely demise, the kids find themselves in a predicament: not only are they free from supervision, but they’re also without the funds their mom left behind. Cue the eldest sibling, Sue Ellen (played by Christina Applegate), who steps up to the plate to provide for her siblings.

Despite its title, the movie swiftly moves on from the babysitter’s demise to focus on Sue Ellen’s journey. She quickly realizes that she needs to find a job to support her family, leading her to falsify her credentials and land a position as a receptionist at a fashion company. From there, the film morphs into a tale of teenage wish fulfillment, as Sue Ellen navigates the world of adulthood while juggling the responsibilities of caring for her siblings.

Watching Sue Ellen navigate the professional world feels reminiscent of the career-centric novels of yesteryear, where plucky youngsters would stumble into fortunate opportunities and emerge victorious. However, “Don’t Tell Mom the Babysitter’s Dead” infuses this classic trope with a modern twist, as Sue Ellen grapples with adult challenges such as workplace politics and personal growth.

Christina Applegate shines in her role, exuding a sense of self-assuredness beyond her years as she navigates the ups and downs of her newfound career. Alongside her, the film features a colorful cast of characters, from the sincere boyfriend to the office gossip, each adding their own flair to the story.

As Sue Ellen’s siblings also undergo personal transformations, from the pothead brother who discovers a passion for cooking to the fashion-forward younger siblings who become junior models, the film becomes a celebration of self-discovery and resilience in the face of adversity.

In essence, “Don’t Tell Mom the Babysitter’s Dead” is a whimsical tale of empowerment and growth, wrapped in the trappings of ’90s teen comedy. While it may seem like a lighthearted romp on the surface, its underlying message of seizing opportunities and embracing responsibility resonates with viewers of all ages.


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