Camp Pleasant Lake 2024 movie review

While SummerWeen and its assortment of chilling slashers loom on the horizon, horror enthusiasts haven’t been lacking in entertainment this year. Despite 2024 just kicking off, aficionados of all things eerie have been treated to a plethora of spine-tingling offerings. With eagerly awaited films like Night Swim, Baghead, and Lisa Frankenstein gracing screens worldwide in recent months, it’s safe to say the options have been abundant.

Joining this bustling lineup, soon to haunt screens near you, is Camp Pleasant Lake, featuring The Nun herself, Bonnie Aarons from The Conjuring Universe. Set against the backdrop of a restored summer camp where a gruesome crime unfolded two decades prior, Camp Pleasant Lake thrusts new arrivals into a world of eerie happenings, revealing that the horrors of the past are far from dormant.

Camp Pleasant Lake will make its theatrical debut in select US cinemas on February 27, 2024. For those unable to catch it on the big screen or preferring the comfort of home for their frights, fear not: the film will simultaneously release on VOD platforms.

The trailer for Camp Pleasant Lake first surfaced on YouTube in 2022, offering a tantalizing glimpse into the blood-soaked narrative. Blurring the line between staged violence and chilling reality, the trailer delves into the twisted tale of Echo Meadows’ abduction and the brutal fate that befell her family. As a group of true crime enthusiasts delve into the mysteries of the past, they soon discover that danger lurks closer than they ever imagined.

A gruesome slasher flick, Camp Pleasant Lake unfolds two decades after the harrowing events at the titular camp. With a young girl’s disappearance following her parents’ grisly murders casting a shadow over the site, an enterprising couple seizes the opportunity to capitalize on the tragedy. As they invite curious guests to relive the horrors of the past, strange occurrences hint at a malevolent presence returning to exact revenge.

Penned and helmed by Thomas Walton, Camp Pleasant Lake marks another milestone in the filmmaker’s busy year, following the release of They Turned Us Into Killers earlier in January. Joining Walton on the production team are Jared Safier, Jackson Everest, and David M. Parks, whose collective efforts bring this nightmarish vision to life. With chilling music by Reuven Herman, Camp Pleasant Lake promises to plunge audiences into a world of terror and suspense.


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